Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Valuable Student Resources

Classical Literacy Exam:

This is a great resource for both testing your existing knowledge and acquiring new knowledge of Latin grammar, mottoes and phrases together with Greco-Roman history and mythology. Enjoy.

Online Dictionary: William Whitakers Words

What is the Value of Learning Latin


1. Half of our English vocabulary  is made up of Latin words and roots. (up to 80% of words of 2 or more syllables)

2. Latin provides the root words for all of the modern sciences

3. Latin is the language of law, government, and logic

4. Latin is the most efficient way to learn English grammar

5. Latin is the best preparation for learning any language

6. Latin effectively develops and trains the mind

7. Latin is the language of Western Civilization

8. Latin Helps You Maximize SAT scores

9. Latin Increases Accuracy in Use of English

10. You can meet your College World Language Admissions Requirement without the emphasis on speaking the language.

Latin 3 - Fall 2018 Semester Plan

FALL 2018

Semester Plan – Latin III

A. Text Book

Unit 1 Review:

                                                Stages 1-12 (Pompeii)

Unit 2 Review:

                                                Stage 13 – 20 (Graecia, Aegyptus, Britannia)

                                                Unit 3:

                                                Stage 21 – Aquae Sulis (Bath)

                                                Stage 23 – Aquae Sulis (Bath)

                                                Stage 24 – Noviomagus (Chichester)

                                                Stage 25 – Deva (Chester)

                                                Stage 26 – Deva (Chester)

                                                Stage 28 – Noviomagus (Chichester)

                                                Stage 29 – Roma (Rome)

                                                Unit 4:

                                                Stage 40 – Roma (Rome)

B. Mythology

                                                1. The Olympian Gods

                                                2. The Heroes

                                                3. The Zodiac

C. Latin/Roman Mythology Themes in Current Media

                                                1. Wonder Woman

                                                2. The Hunger Games

                                                3. Percy Jackson

                                                4. Harry Potter

Latin 2 - Fall 2018 Semester Plan

FALL 2018

Semester Plan – Latin II

A. Text Book

Unit 1 Review:

                                                Stages 1-12 – Pompeii

Unit 2:

                                                Stage 16 - Graecia

                                                Stage 17 - Aegyptus

                                                Stage 18 - Aegyptus

                                                Stage 19 - Aegyptus

                                                Stage 20 - Aegyptus

                                                Stage 13 - Britannia

                                                Stage 14 - Britannia

                                                Stage 15 - Britannia

                                                Stage 16 – Britannia

B. Mythology

                                                1. The Olympian Gods

                                                2. The Heroes

                                                3. The Zodiac

C. Latin/Roman Mythology Themes in Current Media

                                                1. Wonder Woman

                                                2. The Hunger Games

                                                3. Percy Jackson

                                                4. Harry Potter

Latin 1 - Fall 2018 Semester Plan


Semester Plan

A. Text Book

Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1

Stage (Chapter) 1                    Family/Roman House

Stage 2                                    Roman House/Daily Life

Stage 3                                    Occupations/Pompeii

Stage 4                                    Forum

Stage 5                                    Theatre

Stage 6                                    Slaves

Stage 7                                    Life & Death Beliefs

Stage 8                                    Gladiators

Stage 9                                    Baths

Stage 10                                  Education

Stage 11                                  Elections & Government           

Stage 12                                  Vesuvius

B. Mythology

1. Greek Creation Myth & The Titans

2. Titanomachy – War between Titans & Olympians

3. The Olympian gods

C. Latin & Mythology in Modern Literature       

Harrius Potterus

Percy Jackson

Latin 3 - 1st Day Agenda

quid hodie agimus?

1.How to read the Daily Agenda slide in



3.What is the Value of Learning Latin?

4.Greetings & Introductions

Latin 2 - 1st Day Agenda

quid hodie agimus?

1.How to read the Daily Agenda slide in Latin


3.What is the Value of Learning Latin?

4.Greetings & Introductions

Latin 1 - 1st Day Agenda

quid hodie agimus?

1.How to read the Daily Agenda slide


3.What is the Value of Learning Latin?

4.What are Your Goals for This Class?

5.Selecting a Roman Name

6.Greetings in Latin

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fall 2018 Syllabi

Latin Level 1:

August 1, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Salvete! (Hello!)

I regard it as a great honor that your student has elected to take Latin. I commit to making this semester productive, engaging, and (hopefully) enjoyable for us all.


Regardless of the course level, the focus of my Latin classes is the same; to educate my students on how the study of the Latin language, Roman history, and mythology is “alive” and “valuable” in their lives today. This is very much a “Connections” class.


On a practical note, I would also mention that the Latin classroom would benefit greatly from such items as Box of tissues, Hand Sanitizer, etc. These items are not a requirement for your student, but would be greatly appreciated if donated.


Movies are a very useful medium to reinforce the knowledge of the student (more often than not pointing out the inaccuracies of the movie to highlight the “facts”!!). However since these were quite violent times, so are the special effects employed by the moviemakers. Therefore, some of the movies under consideration (such as Troy, Gladiator) carry a “R” rating. I would appreciate it if you would indicate your approval or disapproval for your student to view these when you return the signed slip below.

I am truly looking forward to spending this semester – and hopefully following ones – with your student. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


William Browning (Magister Antonius)


Please complete this form and return as soon as possible.

I have read this syllabus and have discussed it with my student (name) __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________                              Date _________________

Contact Email _________________________ Contact Phone: _________________________



Course Description:

In this course you will be introduced to the Latin language and study the early history of Ancient Rome from its mythical origins in Troy, through the Monarchy period to the establishment and early expansion of the Roman Republic. To make the course relevant to your world of today and tomorrow we will explore the links with modern world in terms of the structure of society and government, and currently-spoken languages which have been shaped by Latin (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and English). I look forward to sharing this time with you.

Instructor:  William (Tony) Browning

Room 724

Telephone: 770.975.6685 x1724

E-mail: William.Browning@cobbk12.org

Text: 770.402.5285

Website/Blog: http://magisterantonius.blogspot.com

Course Primary Text: Cambridge Latin Course Units 1

Grading Policy:


Reading /Comprehension/Translation                                                                        40%


Roman History/Culture/Mythology Assignments & Projects                                    30%


Ongoing quizzes & tests                                                                                             10%


SLO/Final Exam                                                                                                         20%

Behavior Expectations:

School policies on student behavior are well documented in the student handbook.  General classroom policies are outlined as followed:

• Students will arrive on time for class. 

• Students will interact in a respectful way with others in the classroom.

• Students will participate and work appropriately as instructed.

Tutoring/Quiz & Test Make ups: Contact Mr. Browning to set up times.

Latin Level 2:

August 1, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Salvete! (Hello!)

I regard it as a great honor that your student has elected to continue with Latin. I commit to making this semester productive, engaging, and (hopefully) enjoyable for us all.

Regardless of the course level, the focus of my Latin classes is the same; to educate my students on how the study of the Latin language, Roman history, and mythology is “alive” and “valuable” in their lives today. This is very much a “Connections” class.

On a practical note, I would also mention that the Latin classroom would benefit greatly from such items as Box of tissues, Hand Sanitizer, etc. These items are not a requirement for your student, but would be greatly appreciated if donated.

Movies are a very useful medium to reinforce the knowledge of the student (more often than not pointing out the inaccuracies of the movie to highlight the “facts”!!). However since these were quite violent times, so are the special effects employed by the moviemakers. Therefore, some of the movies under consideration (such as Troy, Gladiator) carry a “R” rating. I would appreciate it if you would indicate your approval or disapproval for your student to view these when you return the signed slip below.

I am truly looking forward to spending this semester – and hopefully following ones – with your student. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


William Browning (Magister Antonius)

Please complete this form and return as soon as possible.

I have read this syllabus and have discussed it with my student (name) __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________                              Date _________________

Contact Email _________________________ Contact Phone: _________________________

Course Description:

In this course you will be introduced to new concepts in the Latin language and study the Fall of the Roman Republic. To make the course relevant to your world of today and tomorrow we will explore the links with modern world in terms of the structure of society and government, and currently-spoken languages which have been shaped by Latin (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and English). I look forward to sharing this time with you.

Instructor:  William (Tony) Browning
Room 724
Telephone: 770.975.6685 x1724
E-mail: William.Browning@cobbk12.org
Text: 770.402.5285
Website/Blog: http://magisterantonius.blogspot.com

Course Primary Text: Cambridge Latin Course Units 2

Grading Policy:
Reading /Comprehension/Translation                                                                        40%
Roman History/Culture/Mythology Assignments & Projects                                    30%
Ongoing quizzes & tests                                                                                             10%
SLO/Final Exam                                                                                                         20%

Behavior Expectations:
School policies on student behavior are well documented in the student handbook.  General classroom policies are outlined as followed:
• Students will arrive on time for class. 
• Students will interact in a respectful way with others in the classroom.
• Students will participate and work appropriately as instructed.

Tutoring/Quiz & Test Make ups: Contact Mr. Browning to set up times.

Latin Level 3:
August 1, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Salvete! (Hello!)

I regard it as a great honor that your student has elected to take Latin at the Advanced level. I commit to making this semester productive, engaging, and (hopefully) enjoyable for us all.

Regardless of the course level, the focus of my Latin classes is the same; to educate my students on how the study of the Latin language, Roman history, and mythology is “alive” and “valuable” in their lives today. This is very much a “Connections” class.

On a practical note, I would also mention that the Latin classroom would benefit greatly from such items as Box of tissues, Hand Sanitizer, etc. These items are not a requirement for your student, but would be greatly appreciated if donated.

Movies are a very useful medium to reinforce the knowledge of the student (more often than not pointing out the inaccuracies of the movie to highlight the “facts”!!). However since these were quite violent times, so are the special effects employed by the moviemakers. Therefore, some of the movies under consideration (such as Troy, Gladiator) carry a “R” rating. I would appreciate it if you would indicate your approval or disapproval for your student to view these when you return the signed slip below.

I am truly looking forward to spending this semester – and hopefully following ones – with your student. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


William Browning (Magister Antonius)

Please complete this form and return as soon as possible.

I have read this syllabus and have discussed it with my student (name) __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________                              Date _________________

Contact Email _________________________ Contact Phone: _________________________


Course Description:

In this course you will complete your study of the grammatical concepts of the Latin language, read authentic Latin Literature and study the Empire Period of the history of Ancient Rome. To make the course relevant to your world of today and tomorrow we will explore the links with modern world in terms of the structure of society and government, and currently-spoken languages which have been shaped by Latin (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and English). I look forward to sharing this time with you.

Instructor:  William (Tony) Browning
Room 724
Telephone: 770.975.6685 x1724
E-mail: William.Browning@cobbk12.org
Text: 770.402.5285
Website/Blog: http://magisterantonius.blogspot.com

Course Primary Text: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 3

Grading Policy:
Reading /Comprehension/Translation                                                                        40%
Roman History/Culture/Mythology Assignments & Projects                                    30%
Ongoing quizzes & tests                                                                                             10%
Final Exam                                                                                                                 20%

Behavior Expectations:
School policies on student behavior are well documented in the student handbook.  General classroom policies are outlined as followed:
• Students will arrive on time for class. 
• Students will interact in a respectful way with others in the classroom.
• Students will participate and work appropriately as instructed.

Tutoring/Quiz & Test Make ups: Contact Mr. Browning to set up times.