Monday, May 4, 2020

Assignment for TUESDAY MAY 5

The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 4


1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.

2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).

3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3

4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-5

5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment


Psyche’s Jealous Sisters
Thousands upon thousands of embraces and kisses were shared between the sisters during their reunion. However, with every next visit, the elder sisters of Psyche grew more and more envious of their sibling’s extraordinary fortune. And when Psyche once confessed to them that she had no idea what her husband looks like, they scared her stiff that her husband must be an ugly beast who plans to devour her baby once she gives birth. Eventually, they convinced her to kill him.
Eros Flees
That very night, after their lovemaking, Psyche approached the blissfully asleep Eros with a lamp and a razor. It didn’t take her long to identify him: she didn’t only see hairs of gold, purple cheeks, and neck whiter than milk, but also her husband’s bow and arrows lying beside him. Awestruck and curious, she pulled one of the arrows out of the quiver and pricked herself while doing this. The pain startled her, and a drop of burning oil fell from her lamp upon the shoulder of Eros; this awoke the god momentarily and, just as soon as he realized that his wife had broken her promise, he fled away without a word. Too bad that Psyche, owing to the arrow wound, had now fallen even more intensely in love with her husband.

1. sorores Psycheis, postquam visitaverant caelestiam regiam, maxime invidebant lautam vitam eorum iunioris sororis.
soror = sister    Psycheis = of Psyche
caelestis = heavenly     regia = palace
invidere = to envy     lautus = luxurious
vita = life            iunior = younger

2. deinde, ubi Psyche indicavit eis se numquam videre suum maritum, sorores terrebant eam eius maritum esse turpem bestiam quae habebat in animo consumere eius infantem cum natus sit et itaque sorores persuaserunt Psychei ut Psyche necaret eum.
deinde = then         ubi = when
indicare = to indicate (that)     eis = to them
se = she        numquam = never
videre = to see      suus = her
maritus = husband     terrere = to terrify
eam = her     eius = her       esse = was
turpis = ugly        bestia = beast
quae = who     habere in animo = to intend
infans = baby     cum = as soon as
natus sit = it was born
itaque = therefore    ut = so that
necare = to kill       eum = him

3. illa nocte, ubi Eros dormiebat, Psyche cepit lucernam et novaculum, inspexit suum maritum, et statim agnovit eum quod vidit flavos capillos, purpureas buccas, et collum candidius quam lactem et prope suum maritum eius arcum et sagittas.
ille = that     ubi = when
capere = to take          lucerna = oil lamp
novaculum = razor     inspicere = to inspect
statim = immediately  
agnoscere = to recognize    quod = because
flavus = golden        capillus = hair
purpureus = purple      bucca = cheek
collum = neck      candidior = whiter
quam = than    lacte = milk
prope = besides       eius = his
arcus = bow          sagitta = arrow

4. Psyche, attonita et curiosa, extraxit sagittam ex pharatra sed pepugit suum digitum, et, quod dolebat, demisit flagrans oleum ex lucerna in umerum Erodis qui excitavit et, quod intellegebat suam uxorem abrogare eius votum, effugit sine verbo.
attonitus = astonished      
extrahere = to extract      ex = out of
pharatra = quiver     pungere = to prick
suus = her        digitus = finger
quod = because      dolere = to be in pain
demittere = to drop   flagrans = burning
oleum = oil   in = onto
umerus = shoulder     qui = who
excitare = to wake up    quod = because
intellegere = to understand  (that)
suus = his     uxor = wife
abrogare = to break      votum = vow
eius = her    sine = without     verbum = word

5. Psyche erat miserrima quod , postquam pepugit digitum ab sagitta, amabat deum Erodem plus quam antea.
erat = was      miser = miserable (very)
quod = because      postquam = after
pungere = to prick       ab = by
amare = to be in love with      deus = god
plus = more    quam = than     antea = before

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