The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 5
1. Translate each word in the sequence they
are written and your translation should make sense.
2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in
3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3
4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-5
5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your
finished assignment
The Wanderings of Psyche
Not knowing what to do, Psyche started searching for
Eros right away. She wandered through country after country and prayed for
help, but it was all in vain. Even Demeter and Hera, afraid that everything
else would offend Aphrodite, refused to aid Psyche on her quest. Seeing no way
out, Psyche eventually came to the palace of Aphrodite herself. Furious that
her son had disobeyed her commands, the goddess of love and beauty showed no
mercy. She took Psyche violently by her hair and tore her apparel, mocking her
for conceiving an illegitimate child; afterward, she handed her over to her two
servant-maidens, Sorrow and Sadness, and started torturing her by giving her
tasks as formidable as those of Heracles.
The Trials of Psyche
First Task: Sorting Out a Heap of Grains
Aphrodite took a great quantity of “wheat, barley,
millet, poppy seed, peas, lentils, and beans, and mingled them all together in
a heap.” Psyche’s task was to sort out the seeds into separate heaps within a
single day. Not knowing even where to begin, Psyche started crying.
Fortunately, an ant heard her and felt sorry for her; so, she quickly rounded
up all the ants of the country, and they all came, helping Psyche finish the
job just in time.
1. Psyche, tristissima quod Eros effugerat,
quaerebat eum per multas terras et petebat auxilium ab deis Demeter et Hera
frustra quod deae nolebant offendere Aphroditen.
tristis = sad (very)
quod = because
effugere = to run away (had)
quaerere = to search for eum =him
per = throughout terra
= land
petere = to ask for
auxilium = help
ab = from dea =
frustra = in vain nolle
= to not want to
2. Psyche tandem advenit ad regiam
Aphroditeis sed dea amoris et pulchritudinis, iratissima quod suus filius
inobediverat eam, ostendit nullam
tandem = finally advenire
= to arrive at
regia = palace amor =
pulchritudo = beauty
iratus = angry (very)
suus = her filius =
inobedire = to disobey (had)
eam = her
ostendere = to show
nullus = no
clementia = mercy
3. Aphrodite violenter deripuit capillos
Psycheis, abscidit eius vestes, deridebat eam quod Psyche innupta pepererat
infantem, et postea tradidit Psychen ad duas ancillas, nomine Dolor et
Tristitia, et incepit cruciare eam ab difficillimis laboribus similes labores
deripere = to grab capillus = hair
abscindere = to tear apart
eius = her
vestes = clothing
deridere = to mock
innuptus = unmarried
parere = to give birth to (had)
postea = afterwards trader
= to hand over
ancilla = slavegirls
dolor = sorrow
tristitia = sadness
incipere = to begin
cruciare = to torture ab
= by
difficillimus = very difficult
labor = task
similes = just like Heracles
= Hercules
4. primus labor: Aphrodite miscuit multa
varia grana – triticum, hordeum, milium, papaver, pisum, lenticula, et faba –
et iussit Pyschen dividere omnia grana in uno die solo.
primus = first miscere
= to mix up
varius = different
granum = grain
triticum = wheat hordeum
= barley
milium = millet papaver
= poppy-seed
pisum = pea lenticula =
faba = bean iubere
= to order
divider = to separate dies
= day
solus = only
5. Psyche, quod credebat se non posse
perficere laborem, lacrimabat sed formica vidit eam et, quod volebat adiuvare
eam, vocavit multas alias formicas in terra et una perfecerunt laborem.
credere = to believe (that)
se = she
posse = to be able to
perficere = to complete
lacrimare = to weep
formica = ant videre
= to see
velle = to want to
adiuvare = to help
vocare = to call alius = other
una = together
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