Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday April 1st


Check your translation against the one below!

Narcissus circumspectavit et dixit, “quis es? veni ad me!”
Narcissus looked around and said, “Who are you? Come to me!”
Narcissus quaerebat vocem (Echo) per silvam sed non poterat invenire nympham.
Narcissus searched for the voice (Echo) throughout the forest but he was not able to find the nymph.
iuvenis clamavit, “volo videre te.” sed Echo modo reiteravit, “te.”
The youth shouted, “I want to see you.” But Echo only reiterated, “you.”
Echo, quae celabat post arborem, apparuit et cucurrit ad Narcissum.

Echo, who was hiding behind a tree, appeared and ran to Narcissus.
sed arrogans Narcissus repulit nympham et clamavit, “ abi! nolo amare te.” Echo modo reiteravit, “te.”
But arrogant Narcissus pushed away the nymph and shouted, “Go away. I do not want to love you.” Echo only reiterated, “you.”
Narcissus effugit sed misera et tristis Echo erravit per montes et invenit cavernam ubi nympha habitavit sola.
Narcissus fled but wretched and sad Echo wandered through the mountains and found a cave where the nymph lived alone.



1. Translate word-by-word and your translation should make good sense in English.

2. Do not use an online translator. I want to see what you can do on your own.

3. Use the Word Bank (in red). Where I have not given the word I either think you will know it or it looks like an English word you know.

4. Limit your work to about 30 minutes – even if you do not complete!

5. Email or text me your translations.

6. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3

7. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-6

Background Story (this is NOT the translation!)

Meanwhile Narcissus hunted in the woods, tending only to himself, until one day he discovered a hidden pool of water. The pool had a silvery-smooth surface. No shepherds ever disturbed its waters - no goats or cattle, no birds or fallen leaves. Only the sun danced upon the still pond. 

Tired from hunting and eager to quench his thirst, Narcissus lay on his stomach and leaned over the water. But when he looked at the glassy surface, he saw someone staring back at him. 

Narcissus was spellbound. Gazing up at him from the pool were eyes like twin stars, framed by hair as golden as Apollo’s and cheeks as smooth as ivory. But when he leaned down and tried to kiss the perfect lips, he kissed only spring water. When he reached out and tried to embrace this vision of beauty, he found no one there.  

1. Narcissus continuabat suum venatum in silva sed uno die invenit celatam lacunam aquae.
suus = his       venatus, venatus = hunting
silva, silvae = forest      dies, diei = day
invenire = to find      celatus = hidden
lacuna, lacunae = pool

2. lacuna erat levissima et nullus pastor, nullus caper, nullus bos, nulla avis, nullum folium umquam disturbabat lacunam.
erat = was       levis = smooth (very)
nullus = no, none    
pastor, pastoris = shepherd   
caper, capri = goat
bos, bovis = cattle          avis, avis = bird
folium, folii = leaf        umquam = ever

3. Narcissus, defessus ab venatu et sitiens, iacuit in ripa lacunae et volebat bibere.
defessus = tired out        ab = by
sitiens = thirsty            iacere = to lie down
ripa, ripae = bank      volebat = (he) wanted
bibere = to drink

4. sed in lacuna vidit faciem iuvenis qui spectabat eum.
videre = to see       facies, faciei = face
iuvenis, iuvenis = youth 
spectare = to look at

5. Narcissus, attonitus, vidit duos oculos similes stellas, flavos capillos similis Apollo, leves bucculas similes eburneas.
attonitus = amazed    oculus, oculi = eye
similis = like        stella, stellae = star
flavus = blonde      capillus, capillli = hair
levis = smooth      buccula, bucculae = cheek
eburneus = ivory

6. Narcissus temptavit basiare labias iuvenis in lacuna, sed modo basiavit aquam.
temptare = to attempt       basiare = to kiss
labia, labiae = lip          modo = only

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