The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 3
1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.
2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).
3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-4
4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-8
5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment
The Marriage of Psyche
Little did the king and queen knew – and even less did Psyche – that the god described by the oracle was none other than Eros. Soon after she was left alone on the craggy mountaintop, the frightened Psyche was lifted by Zephyrus, the West Wind, who wafted her gently down into a deep valley, and laid her even gentler in a bed of most sweet and fragrant flowers. In the midst of a nearby wood, Psyche happened upon a heavenly palace, so luxurious and splendid that even Zeus himself would have perhaps marveled at it. After being provided by a host of invisible servants with the most delectable of meals and all kinds of pleasurable things, Psyche went to bed; there, in the darkness, she was visited by Eros, her unknown husband, who “made a perfect consummation of the marriage,” and left Psyche just before dawn.
Psyche Missing Her Family
And so the days passed for Psyche who, for a while, wished for nothing more. Eventually, a baby started growing inside her, and she couldn’t help but thinking that nothing could ever spoil her happiness. However, after some time, she realized that unshared gladness is not as joyful as the shared one, and she suddenly started missing her family. So she asked her still unseen husband – who had explicitly told her that he would leave her if she ever sees his face – if it would be possible for her sisters to visit her from time to time. After she solemnly swore that she would ignore her sisters’ pleas and advises (whatever they may be), Eros granted Psyche her wish. And so the West Wind lifted Psyche’s sisters just as he had once lifted Psyche herself, and softly brought them down in the palace of Eros.
rex et regina, quamquam non intellegebant deum descriptum ab oraculo esse
Eros, locavit Psychen solam in petroso monte.
quamquam = although
intellegere = to understand (that)
deus = god describere = to describe
ab = by esse = was
locare = to place, locate
solus = alone
in = on petrosus =
mons = mountain
sed Zephyrus, Ventus Occidentis, sustulit perterritam Psychen, leniter
transportavit eam ad profundam vallem, et posuit eam in odoriferis floribus.
ventus = wind occidens
= west
tollere (sustuli) = to lift
perterritus = terrified
leniter = gently
eam = her profundus
= deep
valle = valley ponere = to place
odoriferus = fragrant
flos = flower
Psyche, dum ambulat per silvam, invenit caelestem regiam, lautissimam et splendidissimam,
ubi invisibiles servi tulerunt ei delectabilissimam cenam.
dum = while ambulare = to walk
per = through silva =
invenire = to find
caelestis = heavenly (of the gods)
regia = palace lautus
= luxurious (very)
ubi = where ferre (tuli)
= to bring
ei = to her
delectabilis = delicious (very)
cena = dinner
post cenam Psyche ivit ad cubiculum et exspectavit suum ignotum maritum qui
advenit in nocte et exivit ante auroram.
ire = to go cubiculum =
exspectare = to await
suus = her
ignotus = unknown
maritus = husband
qui = who advenire = to
exire = to depart ante
= before
aurora = dawn
omnis dies accidit in hoc modo et Psyche erat laetissima sed, ubi
intellegebat se esse gravidam, incepit desiderare suam familiam.
omnis = every dies =
accidere = to happen hoc
= this
modum = way laetus
= happy (very)
ubi = when se = she esse = was
gravida = pregnant incipere
= to begin
desiderare = to miss
Psyche etiam non viderat suum ignotum maritum et timebat quod deus monuerat
Psychen ut is linquat eam si ea umquam videat eius faciem.
etiam = still videre =
to see (had)
timere = to be afraid
quod = because
monere = to warn (had)
ut = that
is = he linquere = to leave si = if
ea = she umquam =
ever eius = his
facies = face
Psyche explicavit Erodi se esse tristem quod desideravit suam familiam et
imploravit deo ut liceat eius sorores visitare.
explicare = to explain Erodi = to Eros
se = she tristis =
implorare = to beg
so that
liceat = he might permit
eius = her
soror = sister
postquam Eros consensit modo si Psyche non accipiat postulationes et
admonitiones sororum, Zephyrus transportavit sorores ad regiam Erodis.
postquam = after
consentire = to agree modo = only
si = if accipere = to accept
postulatio = plea admonitio
= warning
sororum = of the sisters
Erodis = of Eros