Monday, April 27, 2020

Assignment for MONDAY APRIL 27

The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 2


1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.

2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).

3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-2

4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-3

5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment


Distraught, Psyche’s father went to Miletus and asked Apollo’s oracle for an advice on how he could find a husband for his youngest daughter. The oracle replied that Psyche’s husband “is no wight of human seed,/ But serpent dire and fierce as may be thought,/ Who flies with wings above in starry skies/ And doth subdue each thing with fiery flight.” To meet this evil spirit – feared by the gods themselves – Psyche must be clad in her mourning garments and left alone on a rocky mountaintop, from where her future husband would come and fetch her.

1. miser pater Psycheis ivit ad Miletum ubi erat oraculum Apollinis quod rex desiderabat consilium de matrimonio pro sua iuvenissima filia.
miser = miserable   Psycheis = of Psyche
ire = to go     ubi = where     erat = there was
oraculum = oracle      Apollinis = of Apollo
quod = because        rex = king
desiderare = to desire      consilium = advice
de = about       pro = for       suus = his
iuvenissimus = youngest

2. oraculum respondit, “maritus Psycheis non est mortalis sed est dirus et ferox serpens qui volat cum pennis per caelum et subiugat omnes ab igniferis sagittis.”
maritus = husband        dirus = dreadful
ferox = fierce       qui = who
volare – to fly  cum = with      penna = wing
per = through    celus = sky
subiugare = to subjugate      ab = by
igniferus = fire-bearing   sagitta = arrow

3. tum oraculum dixit, “dei ipsi timent hunc maleficum et Psyche debet parare se cum lugubribus vestibus, ire ad petrosum montem et ibi exspectare suum maritum.
tum = then     dicere = to say
deus = god        ipsi = themselves
timere = to fear          hunc = this
maleficus = evil one        debere = to have to
parare = to prepare     se = herself
lugubris = mourning       vestes = clothing
ire = to go       petrosus = rocky
mons = mountain       ibi = there
exspectare = to wait for       suus = her

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