The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 1
1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.
2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).
3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3
4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-6
5. Note: If you prefer I will accept a sketched cartoon rather than the written word.
6. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment
Once upon a time there lived in the West parts a king and a queen who had three daughters, all of them beautiful beyond belief. The two elder girls were so stunning that they exceeded all other mortal women in loveliness; but the beauty of the youngest of the three, Psyche (which is Ancient Greek for “Soul”), was such that even goddesses envied her. People came from all over the world to admire Psyche, and they were so smitten with her “maidenly majesty” that they even started paying her the divine honors typically reserved for Aphrodite, whose ceremonies were neglected and whose temples were defaced.
Aphrodite’s Revenge
Aphrodite, to say the least, wasn’t that flattered by all of this, so she sent her son Eros among the mortals with a simple mission: to fuel in Psyche love for “the most miserable creature living, the most poor, the most crooked, and the most vile, that there may be none found in all the world of like wretchedness.” Some say that it was because he accidentally pricked himself with his arrows, others because Psyche was just that beautiful; either way, the minute Eros laid his eyes upon this beautiful mortal maiden, he fell in love with her; and, for once, he decided to disobey his mother.
The Oracle’s Prophecy
Now, Psyche’s two sisters had enjoyed their fair share of suitors, culminating in their royal marriages to two foreign kings. However – thinking her an embodiment or an unknown daughter of Aphrodite – nobody had even dared to ask for the hand of Psyche, who, consequently, started hating herself for her own beauty.
olim in Occidente habitabant rex et regina qui habebant tres filias quae
erant pulchriores quam omnes mortales feminae.
olim = once upon a time
Occidens = The West habitare
= to live
rex, regis = king
regina,reginaw = queen
qui = who habere = to
have tres = three
filia, filiae = daughter
quae = who
erant = were pulchrior =
more beautiful
quam = than
sed pulcherrima erat iuvenissima filia nomine Psyche quam non modo mortales
feminae sed etiam deae invidebant.
pulcherrimus = most beautiful erat = was
iuvenissimus = youngest
quam = whom
non modo = not only
sed etiam = but also
dea = goddess
invidere = to envy
mox mortales incipiebant adorare Psychem plus quam Aphroditem et neque
celebrabant caerimonias Aphroditeis neque curabant eius templa.
mox = soon incipere = to
adorare = to worship
plus quam = more than
neque .. neque = neither …nor
caerimonia = ceremony
Aphroditeis = of Aphrodite
curare = to take care of
eius = her
Aphrodite erat iratissima et misit suum filium, nomine Eros, qui debebat
creare in Psyche amorem pro miserrimo, pauperrimo, pravissimo et foedissimo
homine in mundo.
iratissimus = very angry
mittere = to send
suus = her
filius = son qui = who
debere = to have to
amor = love
pro = for miserrimus
= most wretched
paiperrimus = poorest
pravissimus = most depraved
foedissimus = foulest
mundus = world
sed consilium non accidit quod Eros, ubi vidit Psychem, statim maxime amavit
eam et constituit inobedire suam matrem.
consilium = plan
accidere = to happen
quod = because ubi =
videre = to see statim =
maxime = greatly
amare = to fall in love
with eam = her
constituere = to decide
inobedire = to disobey
sed Psyche, postquam eius duae sorores nupserant reges ab aliis terris,
incepit despicere suam pulchritudinem quod nullus vir audebat appropinquare
postquam = after eius =
soror = sister nubere =
to marry
ab = from alius = other
terra = land incipere =
to begin
despicere = to despise pulchritudo
= beauty
quod = because nullus = no vir = man
audere = to dare
appropinquare = to approach
ei = to her
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