Sunday, May 3, 2020

Assignment for MONDAY MAY 4

salvete omnes!

I have no doubt that you will know all the answers. However the answers are jumbled up so you have to match them to the questions.

bonam fortunam!

Magister Antonius

1. What villain in the Underworld served up his own son Pelops as food fit for the gods?
a. The Colosseum
2. The small, round temple in the forum that housed the sacred fire of city was dedicated to whom/
b. Artemis
3. What mythological hero did the witch Medea help in his quest?
c, Marathon
4. What Latin phrase is often used in a bookplate to indicate from whose library a book comes?
d.  The Fates
5. What woman did the Prometheus decline to take as his wife, but his brother Epimetheus accepted?
e. The Pantheon
6. What structure did the Romans build to bring water to Rome from the surrounding mountains?
f.  Tantalus
7. What magistrate presided over the deliberations of the Roman Senate?
g. e pluribus unum
8. What derivative of a Roman name for Zeus refers to someone of a happy disposition?
h.  The Gorgons
9. Against what city in northern Africa did Romans fight during the Punic Wars?
i. via
10. To what group do Megaera, Allecto and Tisiphone belong?
j. Vesta
11. To what group do Calliope, Terpsichore and Clio belong?
k. Dionysus
12. To what group do Stheno, Euryale and Medusa belong?
l.  Augustus
13. To what group do Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos belong?
m. Jason
14. Where were gladiatorial combats held in ancient Rome?
n. atrium
15. At what temple did the ancient Romans worship all the gods?
o. The Muses
16. With what name meaning ‘majestic’ was Octavian, the adopted son of Caesar, honored?
p. Eurydice
17. Who was the Greek god who carried a snake-entwined staff called the caduceus?
q. ex libris
18. For what Latin phrase is A.M. an abbreviation?
r. Pax Romana
19. The Aegean Sea was named after the father of what mythological hero?
s. Proserpina
20. Hermes is to Mercury as __________________ is to Diana.
t. Pandora
21. What is the Latin phrase that means “one out of many”?
u. Hermes
22. Who were the workmen who provided Zeus with his thunderbolts?
v. The Furies
23. What term is used both literally and figuratively for a long and exhausting race?
w.  aqueduct
24. What Latin word do we use in English to mean “by way of”?
x. veto
25. The maenads were the enthusiastic women who were followers of what Greek god?
y. Carthage
26. “I forbid” is the translation of what Latin word used in English by a president to reject a bill?
z. ante meridiem
27. What was the name for the reception room in an ancient Roman house?
aa. Jovial
28. Whose life did Orpheus seek to restore through the power of his music?
bb. Cyclops
29. Odysseus is to Ulysses as Persephone is to ____________________________.
cc. Theseus
30. What two-word Latin phrase signifies the peace that Augustus tried to establish in the Roman world?
dd.  consul

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