Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Assignment for THURSDAY APRIL 30

The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 3


1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.

2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).

3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-4

4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-8

5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment


The Marriage of Psyche

Little did the king and queen knew – and even less did Psyche – that the god described by the oracle was none other than Eros. Soon after she was left alone on the craggy mountaintop, the frightened Psyche was lifted by Zephyrus, the West Wind, who wafted her gently down into a deep valley, and laid her even gentler in a bed of most sweet and fragrant flowers. In the midst of a nearby wood, Psyche happened upon a heavenly palace, so luxurious and splendid that even Zeus himself would have perhaps marveled at it. After being provided by a host of invisible servants with the most delectable of meals and all kinds of pleasurable things, Psyche went to bed; there, in the darkness, she was visited by Eros, her unknown husband, who “made a perfect consummation of the marriage,” and left Psyche just before dawn.

Psyche Missing Her Family

And so the days passed for Psyche who, for a while, wished for nothing more. Eventually, a baby started growing inside her, and she couldn’t help but thinking that nothing could ever spoil her happiness. However, after some time, she realized that unshared gladness is not as joyful as the shared one, and she suddenly started missing her family. So she asked her still unseen husband – who had explicitly told her that he would leave her if she ever sees his face – if it would be possible for her sisters to visit her from time to time. After she solemnly swore that she would ignore her sisters’ pleas and advises (whatever they may be), Eros granted Psyche her wish. And so the West Wind lifted Psyche’s sisters just as he had once lifted Psyche herself, and softly brought them down in the palace of Eros.

1. rex et regina, quamquam non intellegebant deum descriptum ab oraculo esse Eros, locavit Psychen solam in petroso monte.
quamquam = although     
intellegere = to understand (that)
deus = god         describere = to describe
ab = by          esse = was
locare = to place, locate     solus = alone
in = on    petrosus = rocky     
mons = mountain

2. sed Zephyrus, Ventus Occidentis, sustulit perterritam Psychen, leniter transportavit eam ad profundam vallem, et posuit eam in odoriferis floribus.
ventus = wind      occidens = west
tollere (sustuli) = to lift
perterritus = terrified      leniter = gently
eam = her           profundus = deep
valle = valley        ponere = to place
odoriferus = fragrant       flos = flower

3. Psyche, dum ambulat per silvam, invenit caelestem regiam, lautissimam et splendidissimam, ubi invisibiles servi tulerunt ei delectabilissimam cenam.
dum = while        ambulare = to walk
per = through    silva = forest
invenire = to find    
caelestis = heavenly (of the gods)
regia = palace       lautus = luxurious (very)
ubi = where    ferre (tuli) = to bring
ei = to her      delectabilis = delicious (very)
cena = dinner

4. post cenam Psyche ivit ad cubiculum et exspectavit suum ignotum maritum qui advenit in nocte et exivit ante auroram.
ire = to go      cubiculum = bedroom
exspectare = to await        suus = her
ignotus = unknown      maritus = husband
qui = who      advenire = to arrive
exire = to depart       ante = before
aurora = dawn

5. omnis dies accidit in hoc modo et Psyche erat laetissima sed, ubi intellegebat se esse gravidam, incepit desiderare suam familiam.
omnis = every       dies = day
accidere = to happen      hoc = this
modum = way          laetus = happy (very)
ubi = when         se = she      esse = was
gravida = pregnant      incipere = to begin
desiderare = to miss

6. Psyche etiam non viderat suum ignotum maritum et timebat quod deus monuerat Psychen ut is linquat eam si ea umquam videat eius faciem.
etiam = still     videre = to see (had)
timere = to be afraid        quod = because
monere = to warn (had)     ut = that
is = he     linquere = to leave      si = if
ea = she        umquam = ever   eius = his
facies = face

7. Psyche explicavit Erodi se esse tristem quod desideravit suam familiam et imploravit deo ut liceat eius sorores visitare.
explicare = to explain       Erodi = to Eros
se = she          tristis = sad     
implorare = to beg         so that
liceat = he might permit       eius = her
soror = sister

8. postquam Eros consensit modo si Psyche non accipiat postulationes et admonitiones sororum, Zephyrus transportavit sorores ad regiam Erodis.
postquam = after          consentire = to agree modo = only      si = if     accipere = to accept
postulatio = plea       admonitio = warning
sororum = of the sisters       Erodis = of Eros

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Assignment for WEDNESDAY APRIL 29


salvete discipulae discipulique!

To finish the assignment which you began yesterday, click on the YouTube link below, watch, and complete the Q & A.

Battle of Actium

PART 2: (Minute 23:00 – end)

Q & A     

1. What does Octavian increasingly see himself being?

2. Who are the 2 childhood friends who help Octavian and how?



3. What did Antony and Cleopatra decide to do when they learned of Octavian’s plans?

4. What vessels made up Antony and Cleopatra’s fleet?



5. How did their fleet end up at Actium?

6. What 2 Greek islands did Antony have to control to protect his army?



7. Why was Antony not able to achieve this plan?

8. Where does Octavian take his troops to trap Antony and Cleopatra?

9. How does Agrippa weaken Antony and Cleopatra’s supplies?

10. What 2 Greek ports does Agrippa capture?



11. What do Antony’s soldiers do which weakens his army?

12. On what date does the Battle of Actium start?

13. How is Antony and Cleopatra’s fleet structured for battle?




14. What is the design and battle strategy for ancient warships?

15. What is Agrippa’s strategy?

16. What advantages do Agrippa’s ships have in battle?

17. Why was Agrippa’s fleet so wee prepared fo Antony’s strategy?

18. What does Cleopatra do?

19. How many of Antony’s ships escaped?

20. What did Octavian do to stop the rest escaping?

21. How many of Antony’s ships were burned?

22. How many of Antony’s men drowned?

23. In what year does Octavian invade Alexandria?

24. Why does Antony kill himself?

25. How does Cleopatra kill herself?

26. what happens to Caesarion and why?

27. What happens to the bodies of Cleopatra and Antony?

28. What happens to Octavian in 27 BC?

Monday, April 27, 2020

Assignment for TUESDAY APRIL 28

salvete omnes!

The Battle of Actium secured Julius Caesar's great-nephew Octavian as the sole "ruler" of the Roman Republic which created the platform for him to establish himself as the first Roman Imperator (Emperor). The battle also decided the fate of one of the most famous romantic couples in history - Antony and Cleopatra.

Click on the link below to watch this YouTube video and then complete the Q & A.



PART 1: (MINUTES 1-23.00)

Q & A     

1. After the Battle of Philippi what were Octavian’s responsibilities?



2. After the Battle of Philippi what were Mark Antony’s responsibilities?



3. A meeting at what Turkish city did Antony invite Cleopatra in 41 BC?

4. What was Cleopatra’s excuse for not being able to help Antony and Octavian at the Battle of Philippi?

5. Where do Cleopatra and Antony go after their meeting?

6. What was the size of Antony’s fleet when he returned to Rome?

7. How did Octavian seal the alliance with Antony?

8. How long did Antony stay in Rome?

9. What issue in the West did Octavian need to resolve?

10. What issue in the East did Mark Antony need to resolve?

11. How did Mark Antony help Octavian?

12. How did Octavian help Mark Antony?

13. What did Mark Antony do in 36 BC?

14. What were the names of Cleopatra’s and Antony’s twin children?



15. Who was the admiral in charge of Octavian’s navy?

16. What was the weapon designed by this admiral and how was it used?



17. What were the losses in the battle with Sextus Pompey?

18. What was the economic impact of Octavian’s victory over the pirates?

19.  What was a major factor in Antony’s defeat by the Parthians?

20. What victory did Antony win in 34 BC?

21. What were “The Donations of Alexandria” and why did they anger Octavian?



22. What did Octavian declare Cleopatra and Antony to be?

23. What did Octavian persuade the Roman people to do?

Assignment for MONDAY APRIL 27

The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 2


1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.

2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).

3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-2

4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-3

5. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment


Distraught, Psyche’s father went to Miletus and asked Apollo’s oracle for an advice on how he could find a husband for his youngest daughter. The oracle replied that Psyche’s husband “is no wight of human seed,/ But serpent dire and fierce as may be thought,/ Who flies with wings above in starry skies/ And doth subdue each thing with fiery flight.” To meet this evil spirit – feared by the gods themselves – Psyche must be clad in her mourning garments and left alone on a rocky mountaintop, from where her future husband would come and fetch her.

1. miser pater Psycheis ivit ad Miletum ubi erat oraculum Apollinis quod rex desiderabat consilium de matrimonio pro sua iuvenissima filia.
miser = miserable   Psycheis = of Psyche
ire = to go     ubi = where     erat = there was
oraculum = oracle      Apollinis = of Apollo
quod = because        rex = king
desiderare = to desire      consilium = advice
de = about       pro = for       suus = his
iuvenissimus = youngest

2. oraculum respondit, “maritus Psycheis non est mortalis sed est dirus et ferox serpens qui volat cum pennis per caelum et subiugat omnes ab igniferis sagittis.”
maritus = husband        dirus = dreadful
ferox = fierce       qui = who
volare – to fly  cum = with      penna = wing
per = through    celus = sky
subiugare = to subjugate      ab = by
igniferus = fire-bearing   sagitta = arrow

3. tum oraculum dixit, “dei ipsi timent hunc maleficum et Psyche debet parare se cum lugubribus vestibus, ire ad petrosum montem et ibi exspectare suum maritum.
tum = then     dicere = to say
deus = god        ipsi = themselves
timere = to fear          hunc = this
maleficus = evil one        debere = to have to
parare = to prepare     se = herself
lugubris = mourning       vestes = clothing
ire = to go       petrosus = rocky
mons = mountain       ibi = there
exspectare = to wait for       suus = her

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Assignment for THURSDAY APRIL 23

salvete amici!

Test your mythological knowledge with the following links and see how you score. Hopefully you will learn something new in the process too.

bonam fortunam!

Magister Antonius

Challenge Board: Greco-Roman Gods & Deities

gods and goddesses: The Visual Tour

Roman gods & goddesses

Assignment for WEDNESDAY APRIL 22

The Myth of Eros and Psyche: Part 1


1. Translate each word in the sequence they are written and your translation should make sense.

2. Use the Word Bank with each sentence (in red).

3. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3

4. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-6

5. Note: If you prefer I will accept a sketched cartoon rather than the written word.

6. E-Mail or Text me a photo of your finished assignment


Once upon a time there lived in the West parts a king and a queen who had three daughters, all of them beautiful beyond belief. The two elder girls were so stunning that they exceeded all other mortal women in loveliness; but the beauty of the youngest of the three, Psyche (which is Ancient Greek for “Soul”), was such that even goddesses envied her. People came from all over the world to admire Psyche, and they were so smitten with her “maidenly majesty” that they even started paying her the divine honors typically reserved for Aphrodite, whose ceremonies were neglected and whose temples were defaced.

Aphrodite’s Revenge

Aphrodite, to say the least, wasn’t that flattered by all of this, so she sent her son Eros among the mortals with a simple mission: to fuel in Psyche love for “the most miserable creature living, the most poor, the most crooked, and the most vile, that there may be none found in all the world of like wretchedness.” Some say that it was because he accidentally pricked himself with his arrows, others because Psyche was just that beautiful; either way, the minute Eros laid his eyes upon this beautiful mortal maiden, he fell in love with her; and, for once, he decided to disobey his mother.

The Oracle’s Prophecy

Now, Psyche’s two sisters had enjoyed their fair share of suitors, culminating in their royal marriages to two foreign kings. However – thinking her an embodiment or an unknown daughter of Aphrodite – nobody had even dared to ask for the hand of Psyche, who, consequently, started hating herself for her own beauty.

1. olim in Occidente habitabant rex et regina qui habebant tres filias quae erant pulchriores quam omnes mortales feminae.
olim = once upon a time   
Occidens = The West       habitare = to live
rex, regis = king        regina,reginaw = queen
qui = who    habere = to have     tres = three
filia, filiae = daughter         quae = who
erant = were    pulchrior = more beautiful
quam = than

2. sed pulcherrima erat iuvenissima filia nomine Psyche quam non modo mortales feminae sed etiam deae invidebant.
pulcherrimus = most beautiful      erat = was
iuvenissimus = youngest       quam = whom
non modo = not only        sed etiam = but also
dea = goddess         invidere = to envy

3. mox mortales incipiebant adorare Psychem plus quam Aphroditem et neque celebrabant caerimonias Aphroditeis neque curabant eius templa.
mox = soon     incipere = to begin
adorare = to worship   
plus quam = more than
neque .. neque = neither …nor
caerimonia = ceremony
Aphroditeis = of Aphrodite
curare = to take care of       eius = her

4. Aphrodite erat iratissima et misit suum filium, nomine Eros, qui debebat creare in Psyche amorem pro miserrimo, pauperrimo, pravissimo et foedissimo homine in mundo.
iratissimus = very angry
mittere = to send          suus = her
filius = son    qui = who
debere = to have to        amor = love
pro = for        miserrimus = most wretched
paiperrimus = poorest
pravissimus = most depraved
foedissimus = foulest
mundus = world

5. sed consilium non accidit quod Eros, ubi vidit Psychem, statim maxime amavit eam et constituit inobedire suam matrem.
consilium = plan        accidere = to happen
quod = because     ubi = when
videre = to see     statim = immediately
maxime = greatly   
 amare = to fall in love with         eam = her
constituere = to decide    
inobedire = to disobey

6. sed Psyche, postquam eius duae sorores nupserant reges ab aliis terris, incepit despicere suam pulchritudinem quod nullus vir audebat appropinquare ei.
postquam = after   eius = her
soror = sister    nubere = to marry
ab = from     alius = other
terra = land       incipere = to begin
despicere = to despise    pulchritudo = beauty
quod = because   nullus = no     vir = man
audere = to dare     
appropinquare = to approach       ei = to her

Monday, April 20, 2020

Assignment for TUESDAY APRIL 21ST


PART 2: (MINUTES 13:47 - END)

salvete omnes!

Please review the remaining part of the YouTube video and answer questions below.

Roman Influence on the United States

Q & A

THE REPUBLIC: Government & Constitution

1. What 2 aspects of the Roman Empire appealed to the Founding Fathers?



2. What were the 7 features of the Roman Republic that appealed to the Founding Fathers?









3. What 3 Roman Virtues in particular impressed the Founding Fathers?




4. What 2 Latin words give us the English word “Republic” and what is their literal translation?

5. The United States is not a true democracy but a ___________________________________________________

6. If the United States had wanted a true democracy model what historic model would they have copied?

7. What Latin phrase is represented by the abbreviation “S.P.Q.R”?

8. What was the greatest legacy of the Roman constitution?

9. What are the 3 Federal Branches of the United States government?




10. What 2 factors did the historian Polybius state to be the outcome of the 3 elements of the Roman Constitution?




11. What were the 2 classes of Roman society?



12. What was the American equivalent of the “Twelve Tables” and whom did they protect?



13. Who represented the Roman Executive Branch of government?

14. What 3 groups represented the Legislative Branch of the Roman governmet?




15. Who formed the Judicial Branch of the Roman government?

16. What 3 groups did the Roman “Comitia Centuriata” (Centuriate Assembly) elect and what is the American equivalent of this body?





17. What were the responsibilities/powers of the Roman consuls and who is their equivalent in the American constitution?





18. What was the intended profile of a Roman Senator and what was the reason?

19. What were the 3 main responsibilities of the Roman Senate?




20. What power did the American Senate adopt which the Roman Senate did not have?

Government Symbols and Coinage:

21. What Roman practice relating to the design of coinage did the Founding Fathers did not adopt?

22. Who was the first “ruler” to appear on Roman coinage?

23. When do American Presidents appear on coinage?

24. How is the printing of the image for Liberty linked to Roman coinage?

25. What are the 3 Latin phrases on the Great Seal of the USA and what do they mean?




26. What are the “Fasces”?

27. Who carried the “Fasces” in Ancient Rome?

28. What did the “Fasces” represent?

29. In what 4 places do we see the “fasces” related to the American government?




30. Rome provides a “Blueprint” for __________ and ____________________?