Thursday, March 19, 2020

All Levels: Some Derivative Work

Choose all words from the English Word Bank box below. No word should be used more than once.
Your selection may be helped by the “Latin Words of Origin” at the bottom

A. Fill in the blanks with the words defined.
____________ 1. pledge of property, given as security to the person or agency that has lent money
____________ 2. an economic system in which all property is communal
____________ 3. warm; friendly; heartfelt
____________ 4. to make ashamed
____________ 5. destined to die
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, altered if necessary to make them grammatically correct.
6.The former cordiality between the two schools has been replaced by ____________ and distrust.
7. Pure ____________ cannot exist because its advocates, having no basis for doing or not doing anything, would constantly have as much reason to choose to die as to live.
8. He liked the ocean, the palm trees, and the cool, clear days; still he missed the ____________ verdancy of the Midwest.
9. A ____________ meets not only dead people in his business but many living ones as well.
10. For some people, nature is a church; for them, __________ with nature is a form of prayer. 
English Solutions Word Bank

Latin Words of Origin:
cor, cordis = heart           mors, mortis = death           nihil = nothing
aestivus = summery         communis = common, joint

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