Thursday, March 26, 2020

Assignment for FRIDAY MARCH 27



1. Translate word-by-word and your translation should make good sense in English.

2. Do not use an online translator. I want to see what you can do on your own.

3. Limit your work to about 30 minutes – even if you do not complete!

4. Email or text me your translations.

5. Latin 2: Translate sentences 1-3 only

6. Latin 3 & 4: Translate sentences 1-6

One day Echo spied a golden-haired youth hunting deer in the woods. The boy’s name was Narcissus, and he was the most beautiful young man in the forest. All who looked upon Narcissus fell in love with him immediately. But he would have nothing to do with anyone, for he was very conceited. 

olim Echo conspexit flavum iuvenem qui captabat cervos in silva.
conspicere = to catch sight of
flavus = golden-haired
iuvenis, iuvenis = youth
captare = to hunt
cervus, cervi = deer

iuvenis, nomine Narcissus, erat pulcherrimus et omnes, postquam viderunt eum, statim amaverunt eum.
pulcher (-rimus = very)= handsome
omnes = everybody
videre = to see               eum = him
statim = immediately

sed Narcissus ignorabat omnes quod erat arrogantissimus.
quod = because

When Echo first laid eyes upon Narcissus, her heart burned like the flame of a torch. She secretly followed him through the woods, loving him more with each step. She got closer and closer until finally Narcissus heard the leaves rustling. He whirled around and cried out, “Who’s here?” 

From behind a tree, Echo repeated his last word, “Here!” 

Echo, quae maxime amabat Narcissum, furtim agitavit eum per silvam.
quae = who          maxime = greatly
furtim = stealthily     agitare = to pursue
per = through

tandem Narcissus audivit nympham, vertit, et clamavit, “quis est?”
tandem = finally      vertere = to turn

Echo, quae celabat post arborem, modo poterat reiterare ultimum verbum, “est?”
celare = to hide         post = behind
arbor, arboris = tree        modo = only
posse = to be able to     
 verbum, verbi = word

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