Sunday, March 22, 2020

Latin 3 & 4 Assignment for TUESDAY MARCH 24

Read the story below first and then do the translation.

Callisto was a nymph, daughter of Lycaon, King of Arcadia. She was a follower of goddess Artemis, and therefore, she must have taken a vow of chastity. However, Zeus saw her and fell in love with her; to lure her, he turned into Artemis and eventually took advantage of her. Callisto bore a son, Arcas. After this, she was turned into a bear, either by Zeus while trying to hide his misdeeds, by Hera out of jealousy, or by Artemis out of anger that she broke her vow of chastity.

Not content with Callisto's fate as a bear, Hera continued to work against her to get Artemis to think she was a normal bear and slay her. Zeus came to the rescue turning her into the constellation Arctos, the Great Bear, also known as Ursa Major. At Zeus' direction, Hermes saved Arcas from the womb and took him to be raised by Maia. She was joined in the skies with her son, who became the nearby constellation Arctophylax, the Little Bear, also known as Ursa Minor. Continuing to hold a grudge, Hera persuaded Tethys and Oceanus to forbid Callisto from entering their realm, the ocean. As a result, Callisto must perpetually circle the Northern Star and never set over the horizon.

Note: The Latin text is written in English word order (Subject/Verb/Object) which means that word-by-word translation should result in the correct translation.

Callisto erat nympha et filia regis Lycaonis Arcadiae.

nympha erat assecula deae Artemis et virgo.
assecula, asseculae = attendant

sed Zeus vidit eam et maxime cupiebat Callistonem.
cupire = to desire

Zeus itaque mutavit se ad Artemem et contupravit nympham.
itaque = therefore       se = himself
contuprare =  to defile

Callisto peperit filium nomine Arcas.
parere = give birth to

postea Callisto mutata est (passive verb)ab invidiosa Hera in ursam.
invidiosus, -a, -um = jealous
ursa, ursae = bear

Hera temptavit convincere Artemem ut ursam agitaret et necaret.
temptare = to attempt       ut = so that
agitare = to hunt         necare = to kill

Zeus tamen servavit Callistonem ubi mutavit eam in constellationem nomine Arctos (notam quoque Ursa Maior).
tamen = however       ubi = when
notus, -a, -um = known as     quoque = also

postea Arcas filius Callistonis, quem Hermes, iussus (ordered)ab Iove, servaverat, mutatus est (passive verb)in constellationem nomine Arctophyllax (notam quoque Ursa Minor).
quem = whom

1. Use “Whitaker’s Words” as your online dictionary.

2. E-mail ( or Text (770.402.5285) your translation.

gratias tibi ago.

Magister Antonius

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